Monday, January 25, 2010

This was one of my first articles and surprisingly...

This article is still one of the most viewed that I have written and I think it is because of the title. Judging from the responses, people have challenges with loving others where they are and also after they have been wronged by others. Many times a wrong may have been misinterpreted and most parties never talk about it to get it resolved.

Here it is.

Do you find it challenging to love people? Have you been hurt by those who were supposed to protect you? I am going to answer a few questions and ask questions of you. What is the purpose of love? Do you think that you are loving correctly?

Most people will automatically answer yes, when asked if they are loving correctly. It is human nature to want to be correct or being seen as correct. This love thing seems to be very elusive to many people on earth. One of the main reasons that love could be elusive to many is that they are trying to love out of a wrong motive. What do you mean Walt?

Well, if your motive for expressing feeling to someone is for dishonest
gain or to fulfill your own selfish desires, then this is lust and not love. True love is always looking out for the best interest of the other parties involved. I am not saying that you let people run all over you, but I am saying that you be willing to serve as Christ did. I am not just talking about serving in a church or religious organization. I am talking about serving at whatever your hand finds to do.

You are here for a reason and purpose. There is a plan for your life. I am asking that you open up yourself to God right now. In spite of all the pain and setbacks that you may have experienced in life, God still has a plan for your life. I have learned that if I want to love people correctly, then I must begin to love God will all my heart, soul (mind, will, emotions) and strength.

As easy as this may sound, you can experience the God kind of love right now. First, ask God to come into your heart and forgive you of all of your sins. When you release yourself from your past, it becomes easier to see your bright future with God on your side. If you have to write a letter to someone, do it. You do not have to mail the letter or give it to them. The mere fact that you take the time to write a letter to someone that hurt you in the past can be like a spiritual release from the hurt that you experienced.

Allow yourself to feel the joy of this release. Your were meant to be happy and joyful. You were meant to love and be loved. I encourage you to stay strong and be encouraged in the Lord. I can go on and on, but I must stop for now. Enjoy God. Enjoy people. Enjoy life. Enjoy love. Allow yourself to become love. Make this the year that you score your love touchdown for God. You can do it and God can help.

I wrote a book as an expression of my experiences called "Touchdown Love". If you desire to check it out, visit


Procrastination is the number one thief of the future of many people today. As much as technology and innovation has made available to the world today, the lack of movement in a positive direction is still the biggest killer of dreams today.

You are no different. I am no different. If you do nothing, nothing happens. If is a big word, yet only 2 letters. If I had only and If I did this thing or the other has been the singular voice for too long for too many souls.

Are you one? Are you saying the same thing that you said last year? Are you still waiting on your drop to fall? Are you still waiting on someone to do something for you? Are you waiting on God? Well, guess what? God is waiting on you!

Go make something positive happen today. I have dozens of articles and writings all over the web. I will start adding them all to this blog daily along with what is going with me currently with the intention of encouraging someone out here in their daily walk with God.

Make it a great day!

Walter Taylor

Saturday, April 26, 2008

It Is A Great Day!

Hi everyone,

Today is a great day! This blog is dedicated to everyone out there seeking your purpose. I am discovering mine and encourage you to do the same. These are scary times for many people, but it does not have to be for you. You do not have to receive what the media and the news are saying. You can reject their accusations and create your own world.

No matter what is going on around you, you do not have to let the outside world be your world. You can be at peace, not matter what is going on. Practice speaking to yourself in psalms, hyms and spiritual songs and watch the change happen in you.

The world that you desire is in your already. It is just a matter of you speaking the things in line with the word of God. God is good all the time!

Peace to you today and everyday!