Monday, January 25, 2010


Procrastination is the number one thief of the future of many people today. As much as technology and innovation has made available to the world today, the lack of movement in a positive direction is still the biggest killer of dreams today.

You are no different. I am no different. If you do nothing, nothing happens. If is a big word, yet only 2 letters. If I had only and If I did this thing or the other has been the singular voice for too long for too many souls.

Are you one? Are you saying the same thing that you said last year? Are you still waiting on your drop to fall? Are you still waiting on someone to do something for you? Are you waiting on God? Well, guess what? God is waiting on you!

Go make something positive happen today. I have dozens of articles and writings all over the web. I will start adding them all to this blog daily along with what is going with me currently with the intention of encouraging someone out here in their daily walk with God.

Make it a great day!

Walter Taylor

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